Christ Church Georgetown in white text with dark blue background

Third Century Campaign

Christ Church, Georgetown, is an historic Episcopal parish in the heart of the nation's capital. For over two hundred years, the people of Christ Church have sought to be a body through which the light of Christ is seen, his life is shared, and his work is done. We seek to live more fully into our mission in the following four ways:

Laying a vital and living foundation for Christ's future work in the Parish.

Goal for the Third Century Campaign - $13.5 million

Project Goals:

1.  Transforming the Parish Hall from a much underused space into an engine for outreach, parish growth, enhancement of our common life and our service to the community.

2. Installing a new, world-class organ designed for our space and worthy of the high standards of the Anglican musical tradition.

3. Strengthening the foundation of our mission work, by doubling what we give to those in need and doubling the funds to maintain the church property that supports our ministry in Christ’s name.

Transforming the Parish Hall
To view project plans and images, click here.


In 2024, Christ Church, Georgetown is undergoing a $10 million renovation of the Parish Hall, originally constructed in 1887. The renovated facility, set to open in early spring of 2025, will be known as Linthicum Hall, honoring its legacy in Georgetown. Linthicum Hall will function as a communal space for Christ Church, Georgetown’s office activities, Sunday School, and church gatherings. Christ Church, Georgetown offers this space for events, benefiting both its members and the broader community of Georgetown and Washington, D.C.


Linthicum Hall provides Christ Church, Georgetown with a greater platform to foster community and fulfill its mission:

Here, all can participate in traditional, reverent worship, and lifelong Christian formation, while building meaningful connections with others, and serving those in need.

Core Values

Deepening Common Life: Encouraging connection through forums, parish gatherings, and brunches.

Evangelism and Engagement: Promoting outreach with programs like parents and toddlers’ groups, a porch café, lectures, and concerts.

Service and Connection: Building community through feeding ministries and various community events.

Ministry Funding: Supporting our mission through wedding and funeral receptions, private events, and weekday rentals.


The newly renovated Linthicum Hall offers event space capacity that far exceeds other non-hotel event spaces in Georgetown. It features a range of rental options, including a large room for receptions and gatherings, a state-of-the-art professional kitchen, and a high-tech conference room. The historic charm of a two-century-old church adds a unique character to the space. Since there is no in-house catering or restaurant, event hosts are free to choose their preferred caterer from an approved list. Linthicum Hall is also ADA compliant. 

Organ Installation

Liturgical music holds a special place in the life of Christ Church, and the existing organ, which has served the congregation well, is approaching the end of its useful life. The plan is to install a new, state-of-the-art instrument and sound system, designed specifically for our worship space, that will enable us to maintain and, indeed, elevate the Parish’s exceptionally high liturgical and musical standards.

In addition to accompanying the Choir, an organ must adequately support the congregation as well as various parts of the liturgy. The new organ will be built with these requirements in mind, and will also include the installation of an antiphonal division in the rear of the nave. With all its many features, this new organ will support the liturgical and musical needs of the Parish for decades to come.


New Endowment Funds

Through the Third Century Campaign, Christ Church will establish two endowment funds, each designated to support specific purposes.

Mission & Outreach Fund - The Parish currently contributes nearly $140,000 each year to support nonprofit partners who serve the homeless, the underserved and vulnerable, at home and in communities across the world. Once fully funded, this new fund will provide a dedicated resource for our mission and outreach efforts, enabling the Parish to double its contributions each year.

Capital Repair Fund - Christ Church understands its obligation to care for its properties as an act of stewardship for those who will come after us. A new fund, designated specifically for capital maintenance, will significantly increase the resources available to support the ongoing repair and upkeep of our physical plant, ensuring that the operating budget remains focused on the mission and ministry of the Parish.


Learn More 

For more information about the Third Century Campaign and how you can play a part in its success, please email the campaign Coordinator Marshall Ginn. You can also click here to download a comprehensive set of materials and background information on the Third Century Campaign.

If you are ready to support the campaign, click here. 

The Importance of Annual Stewardship

The Third Century Campaign is a special opportunity to make an exceptional impact on our Parish. But it is important for all of us to maintain our annual support for the Church. To learn more about supporting the ongoing work and ministry of Christ Church, visit the Stewardship page. 

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