Christ Church Georgetown in white text with dark blue background

Worship Guilds

While all who gather for worship, by virtue of their prayers and presence, are participants in the liturgy of the church, some feel called to a distinct leadership role in this sacred aspect of the parish's mission and ministry. There are many opportunities, both visible and behind the scenes, for those who wish to serve in this way. 

On Sundays, such opportunities include service as an acolyte, lector, and usher. During the week, lay volunteers serve as officiants at the Daily Office - Morning and Evening Prayer - in the Chapel of Saint Jude.  In addition, two important groups of volunteers, the Altar Guild and the Flower Guild, offer countless hours of time and talent as they prepare the sanctuaries, altars, vessels, and vestments, as well as arrange flowers for the liturgy.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities for ministry, or have questions, please contact the Parish Office. You will then be put in touch with the clergy person or lay volunteer who oversees and provides training for each.

Click on any of the images below to see the opportunities to serve.

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