Christ Church Georgetown in white text with dark blue background

For Guests

WELCOME! As a recent or prospective visitor to Christ Church, Georgetown, we hope you find the following information useful. If you have other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to a member of the clergy or staff via telephone or email. We will be happy to help in any way we can. In the meantime, we give thanks for your interest in the life of this parish community!

Our Mission

Christ Church, Georgetown, is an inclusive Episcopal community of faith and a living witness to the love of Christ. For more than 200 years we have sought to be a sanctuary from an often-chaotic and divided world, a place where politics are left at the door.

Here, all can participate in traditional, reverent worship and lifelong Christian formation while building meaningful connections with others and serving those in need.

Parishioners, inspired by the Gospel and the worship of the Church, are encouraged to act in the world as they feel called, embraced by a fellowship that respects their views, as well as those of people who see things differently.

2024 Annual Report

Our Values

  • Service/Servant-Leadership

    Our Lord Jesus Christ set the disciples an example of service and servant leadership when he washed their feet at the Last Supper.  We seek to serve Christ in other, both individually, and as a church.

    To see our framwork for Christian leadership at Christ Church:

    Click Here
  • Compassion

    Our Lord Jesus Christ had compassion on the crowds, the sick and all who came to him in hope. We seek to be a spiritual field hospital, where all who are hurt or broken by life may find compassion, healing and renewed strength. 

  • Inclusivity

    Our Lord Jesus Christ welcomed all who turned to him in faith. All are welcome at Christ Church regardless of race, sexuality, politics or any of the myriad of other ways that human beings are different from one another. Here we all kneel at the same altar and seek the same forgiveness and grace. 

  • Stewardship

    Our Lord Jesus Christ was God’s gift of life to the world. Our own gifts, be they, intellectual, physical, or by virtue of our birth, all come from God. We are only stewards of the fruits of these things. We seek to live grateful lives using our time, talents and treasure for the cause of Christ in this place and to help the poor and broken, who are near and dear to the heart of God. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Christ Church and Episcopalian Religion

  • Do I have to be an Episcopalian to attend?

    Christ Church is a house of prayer for all people. No matter whether you are a life-long Christian or someone with no faith at all; a cradle Episcopalian or a member of another denomination; a skeptic, a seeker, or someone who is simply in need of community, you are most welcome here.

  • What should I expect during a service?

    The principal act of worship for Episcopalians is the Holy Eucharist, also known as the Mass, Holy Communion, and the Lord’s Supper. Services of Holy Eucharist can last anywhere from 45 to 75 minutes, depending on the day, the time of year, and the music to be sung. Upon arrival at the Church, an usher will provide you with a printed service leaflet, a document designed to guide you through the liturgy. The usher will be happy to answer any questions you may have and, when the time comes, to direct you to the altar rail to receive Holy Communion. Please know there is no right or wrong way to participate in worship. Come as you are and let the beauty of the words, music, and ritual wash over you. For more information, visit the Worship page.

  • Who may receive Holy Communion?

    All are welcome at the Lord’s Table. In accordance with ancient custom, the sacrament of Holy Communion is normally received by those who have been baptized in a Christian denomination. Others are welcome to come to the altar rail to receive a blessing in Christ’s name.

  • Is there nursery care at Christ Church?

    Nursery care for children four months through three years of age is available on Sundays, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m., in the Parish Hall, the large brick building that is three doors down from the Church. Nursery care is also available on days of liturgical significance (e.g. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, etc.) and for other special occasions in the life of the parish community. Staffed by professional child caretakers, the nursery provides a welcoming, safe, and stimulating environment for infants and small children. For more information, including questions about the nursery schedule and procedures, contact the Parish Office.

  • When do Sunday School classes & youth groups meet?

    Christian education for children and youth ages three through 18 takes place on Sundays, 10:00 - 10:55 a.m. For more information, visit the Children & Families and the Youth Ministry pages, or contact the Rector.

  • What about adult education/formation opportunities?

    The Sunday Forum, a series of scholarly lectures on a variety of biblical, theological, and moral topics, is the cornerstone of the parish’s adult education programming. The Forum takes place on Sundays, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m., October - May, in Keith Hall. All are welcome! A number of small groups meet regularly for study, discussion, fellowship, and prayer.

  • How do I get to know people at Christ Church?

    Take time to introduce yourself to a member of the clergy and, by all means, join us for one of the several opportunities for fellowship that is offered each Sunday: at the informal time of coffee and conversation in the Memorial Room following the 9:00 liturgy; at Coffee Hour in Keith Hall following the 11:15 liturgy; and at the reception in Keith Hall following the 5:00 p.m. liturgy. The ushers will be happy to guide you.

  • How do I become involved in the life of Christ Church?

    All are invited and encouraged to participate in the life of the parish through one or more of the many volunteer opportunities that exist. Some examples are: serving in a liturgical capacity as an usher, acolyte, lector, or member of the Altar Guild; serving as a Sunday school teacher, youth leader, or on a parish committee; serving our homeless brothers and sisters through the Soup Kitchen, Grate Patrol, or Georgetown Ministry Center's Winter Shelter.

  • How do I contribute financially to Christ Church?

    The vast majority of funding for parish mission and ministry is generated through pledges made by parishioners each year. To learn more, speak with a member of the clergy and visit the Stewardship page.

  • How do I become a member of Christ Church?

    If you would like to become a parishioner, we invite you to complete a pew card or the online Contact Us form. A member of the clergy will be in touch with you shortly thereafter. Additional information is available on Newcomers and Membership page or by calling the Parish Office.

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