Christ Church, Georgetown, is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. As such, it is a corporation governed by a board known as the Vestry, which includes the Rector, Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and 12 Vestry members, elected by the parish at its Annual Meeting. To view Christ Church, Georgetown's Leadership Criteria, click here.
Wardens serve for two-year terms and Vestry members for three-year terms. As the governing board of the Parish, the Vestry is responsible for all of the temporal affairs and has oversight of the full range of the church's ministry and mission. The Vestry meets monthly, except in July and August, usually on the third Tuesday of the month. In addition to Vestry members and officers, meetings are attended by Assisting Clergy and the Director of Administration. Various Vestry committees carry out the mission and ministry of the parish under the Vestry's oversight.
The Vestry elects officers and officials including the Treasurer, Register (Secretary), and chairs of Vestry Committees, who may or may not be members of the Vestry, and the parish's delegates to the Diocesan Convention. Measures enacted at the Diocesan Convention must be separately approved by lay and clergy delegates. The parish clergy canonically resident in the diocese serve among the clergy delegates.
Scott Campbell,
Senior Warden
Isabel Kunsman,
Junior Warden
Charles (Chad) Thorley,
Babs Hough,
The Reverend Timothy A.R. Cole, Rector
Newman Ainsley
William (Bill) Courtney
Rupert Hammond-Chambers
Charles Ingersoll
Marcia Mayo
Michael Miller
Tyler Thompson
Al Troup
Sheila Ward
John Yasuda
Christian leadership is modeled on that of our Lord, who came to serve rather than to be served. He expected no one to do what he himself was not prepared to do. His leadership was shown in his sacrificial commitment to his Father, his disciples and all of humanity.
A position of leadership in the Church, including as a member of the vestry or of any guild or committee, Sunday School teacher or youth leader acting in Christ Church’s name, requires a commitment to the life and worship of the church.
Mailing Address
3116 O Street, NW, Washington, DC 20007
Church Office Hours
Monday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.