Christ Church Georgetown in white text with dark blue background

Become A Member

All are welcome and invited to take part in the life of Christ Church, Georgetown. There are many ways to become involved in the community and, although we would very much like you to join the parish, “official” membership is by no means a requirement.

If you are a recent or prospective visitor, or a newcomer to Christ Church, click here to view a series of frequently asked questions, the answers to which may prove helpful to you.

Application for Membership

Becoming a Baptized Member

  • What does it mean to be a baptized member of Christ Church?

    What does it mean to be a baptized member of Christ Church?

    • Regularly attend worship
    • Offer yourself in service to the Church and take part in opportunities for mission and outreach to those beyond the boundaries of the parish community
    • Grow in faith through prayer and take part in opportunities for study and formation
    • Make an annual stewardship pledge in support of the mission and ministry of the parish


    While membership is not a requirement, it is a meaningful step that signifies the important role this particular parish plays in your life. It affirms your connection to the people who worship and serve alongside you in this holy place. 

  • What are the governing rules of the Episcopal Church

    According to the Canons, or governing rules, of the Episcopal Church, membership is open to any person who has been baptized with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, whether in the Episcopal Church or in another Christian denomination, and whose baptism has been duly recorded in the register of an Episcopal parish. 

    If you are a baptized member of another Episcopal parish, you may transfer your membership to Christ Church by contacting the Parish Office and arranging for a Letter of Transfer. Upon receipt of the Letter of Transfer, your name will be entered into the parish register.

    If you are baptized, but not a member of another Episcopal parish, or are coming to Christ Church from another Christian denomination, contact the Parish Office to obtain the appropriate paperwork. Once completed, your name will be entered into the parish register.

    If you have not been baptized, contact a member of the clergy to begin discussion about and preparation for reception of the sacrament. 

  • Questions?

    If you have questions about any of the procedures detailed above, the Episcopal Church in general, or Christ Church in particular, please do not hesitate to speak with a member of the clergy.

Confirmation and Reception in the Episcopal Church

  • How to receive Confirmation for Baptized members of the Episcopal Church

    What does it mean to be a baptized member of Baptized members of the Episcopal Church are eligible for Confirmation, the sacrament in which a candidate receives strength from the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands by a bishop. All adult members of Christ Church, after appropriate instruction, are generally expected to make this mature, public affirmation of faith and commitment to the promises of Holy Baptism. 

  • Reception for Baptized persons who wish to join the Episcopal ChurchR

    Baptized persons who wish to join the Episcopal Church, and who have already made a mature, public affirmation of faith in another Christian denomination are frequently welcomed by the bishop through a rite known as Reception (as opposed to Confirmation). For more information about Confirmation or Reception into the Episcopal Church, speak with a member of the clergy.

Member Login

Members of Christ Church have the ability to access the parish database, which includes a parish directory. Simply click “Login” at the top right-hand corner of this website. You will then be redirected to the database portal and asked to register for access. In order to register, you must have an email on file in the Parish Office. Once registration is complete, you will receive a password via email. This will enable you to create a login.

NOTE: If you are not comfortable with your own contact information being available to clergy and fellow parishioners, contact the Parish Office.

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