As we follow Christ, in a spirit of community and love, we are guided by our values:
Service / Servant-Leadership. Our Lord Jesus Christ set the disciples an example of service and servant leadership when he washed their feet at the Last Supper. We seek to serve Christ in others, both individually, and as a church. Click here to see our framework for Christian leadership at Christ Church.
Compassion. Our Lord Jesus Christ had compassion on the crowds, the sick and all who came to him in hope. We seek to be a spiritual field hospital, where all who are hurt or broken by life may find compassion, healing and renewed strength.
Inclusivity. Our Lord Jesus Christ welcomed all who turned to him in faith. All are welcome at Christ Church regardless of race, sexuality, politics or any of the myriad of other ways that human beings are different from one another. Here we all kneel at the same altar and seek the same forgiveness and grace.
Stewardship. Our Lord Jesus Christ was God’s gift of life to the world. Our own gifts, be they, intellectual, physical, or by virtue of our birth, all come from God. We are only stewards of the fruits of these things. We seek to live grateful lives using our time, talents and treasure for the cause of Christ in this place and to help the poor and broken, who are near and dear to the heart of God.