Photo Policies and Oblation Bearer Roster

Photo Policies and Oblation Bearer Roster
Photo and Video Policy for Print Media and the Website
By selecting "agree," I consent to photographs being taken of my child during Christ Church-sponsored activities by church staff and volunteers. I hereby grant permission for these photographs to be used in Christ Church, Georgetown, publicity materials, including but not limited to posters, bulletin boards, brochures, and the Christ Church website. I also understand that I may request that a specific image of my child be removed from a Christ Church publicity piece.

Social Media Policy
Christ Church, Georgetown, uses photos taken during Christ church activities on the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. At no time will Christ Church "tag" or otherwise identify a minor by name, without express permission of a parent or legal guardian. By selecting "agree," I grant permission for Christ Church and its representatives to post images of my child, individually or in a group, to the aforementioned platforms. I understand that I may request that a specific image of my child be removed from any of these platforms at any time.

Worship Assistance Roster
Families registered for Sunday School are invited to serve in several worship support roles at the 9:00 service during the program year. Families will be scheduled one month in advance to serve as ushers, Oblation bearers, and/or greeters. Families assisting in worship are to arrive at 8:45 for further direction from the head ushers; no further preparation is required.
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